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Mobility to Canada: the partnership agreement with the Institut d'Enseignement de l'Ostéopathie du Québec (IEOQ)

ieoq and Institut d'Ostéopathie de Rennes-Bretagne

Our international student exchange program

A partnership agreement in favor of an international mobility program for osteopathy students in the fields of training and research was signed between the Institut d'Enseignement de l'Ostéopathie du Québec (IEOQ) and the Rennes-Brittany Institute of Osteopathy (IO-RB). Creating shared educational materials, promoting student mobility for osteopathic clinical practice, developing research projects, and obtaining a dual degree are all a part of this international program. Exchanges between the two institutions are realized through brief (15-day) internships at the respective consultation centers of both schools as well as attending academic and practical courses.


Obtaining a dual osteopathy degree to practice in Canada

The VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) system, as outlined in the December 2014 law regulating osteopathic training in France, enables students pursuing an international pathway to earn the diploma issued by their partner institute. Thus, French students can benefit from an on-site network of professionals to get ready for their arrival in Canada. The challenge is twofold as it consists of both accrediting the profession in a nation where osteopathy is about to gain recognition and making it easier for French osteopaths to practice in Quebec, an area renowned for its quality of life. The objective is also to promote relationships with teachers and researchers evolving in the partner institutions, in order to further osteopathic research.


Inter-school seminar jointly sponsored by the TWO COUNTRIES

The partnership agreement's goals are for the institutes and their teachers to gain creative pedagogical perspectives, exchange teaching best practices, and enrich their professional training. The two schools annually host a joint seminar in April and around the IOHW. Osteopaths and other medical experts hold conferences on a various range of topics.

Mobility in Vietnam: partnership agreement with Da Nang Public Mother-Child Hospital

Welcoming physicians wishing to study osteopathy

2018 saw the beginning of a collaboration with the Vietnamese Danang Hospital for Women and Children. In accordance with Decree No. 2014-1505 of December 12, 2014, it aims to train healthcare professionals, (especially general practitioners) in osteopathy through a customized training program in order to support the growth of osteopathy in their home countries.

Dr. Tran Dinh Vinh, Director of the Mother and Child Public Hospital in Da Nang, and Marylène Bourgin, osteopathic General Director of the Rennes-Brittany Institute of Osteopathy, brought a first project to completion in 2022 by welcoming Dr. Cam Van at the IO-RB. This project allowed the Vietnamese doctor to learn osteopathy for three months. "After completing my medical studies in Vietnam, I worked in the functional rehabilitation department at the 15,000-delivery-a-year Da Nang Mother and Child Hospital. I wanted to master the osteopathic approach and skills in this medical field so that I could manage our patients' pain more effectively" [Cam Van for Ouest-France - article published on 11/12/2022].


Providing stays in Vietnam for osteopathic students of the IO-RB.

The OSI association has made mobility in Vietnam possible for IO-RB students in their fifth year of study.  During this two-week mission, professional IO-RB tutors oversee the osteopathic students on-site, following the French training framework.

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