
Research into osteopathic education, Master's degree in Educational Sciences

Etablissement privé d’enseignement supérieur : SSAH2122518S

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Research projects related to osteopathic education

Impact of different revision tools on the learning of musculoskeletal techniques

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different revision tools on the learning process of musculoskeletal techniques. Second-year students were given a four-hour lesson on five musculoskeletal techniques, they have never seen before. Sixty-eight students were randomly divided into three groups.
Each group was given a different revision tool at the end of the lesson: Group 1- Video podcasts online; Group 2 -Technical data sheets on line; Group 3 - Nothing – Control group. A practical exam supervised by an experienced external assessor using specific evaluation grids, was scheduled nine weeks after the four hour lessons.
A video system included in the multi-media platform the students used to view their online handout, has allowed the assessment of the student’s behavior during their reviewing time, depending on the handout they had. In addition, a 20-items Likert-type survey has been used to evaluate their level of satisfaction of the revision tool.

Results showed that video-based reviewing could be a relevant pedagogical tool for the successful acquisition of the musculoskeletal techniques. Videos enhance the learner’s results while positively influencing their behavior during the review phase but does not prevent surface learning. Our perspective is to develop a structured pedagogical approach where learners will enjoy the benefits of utilizing videos while being more personally engaged.

The impact of video on clinical osteopathy competence acquisition

In 2018, within the framework of the December 2014 Decree on osteopathy studies, IO-RENNES conducted a study led by Hakim Mhadhbi on the acquisition of clinical reasoning in osteopathic practice.
The aim of this preliminary study, based on 3rd year students, was to develop a methodology for video-recorded patient examination analysis, assessing the impact of video as a tool.
The study’s initial results will be presented at the 6th "Open Forum for Osteopathic Education" to be held in Lyon on October 18 and 19, 2018.
See the study: Impact of the video tool on the acquisition of clinical skills in Osteopathy. Preliminary study on 3rd year osteopathic students.


Using video as a tool for therapeutic approach analysis


Four students from the Rennes Institute of Osteopathy conducted a research project between 2015 and 2017, on the following topic:  "Construction of a descriptive categorization system for the osteopathic treatment of patients, taking into account the subjective perceptions involved in palpation and the educational values underlying the therapeutic act."
With the help of the CREA (Rennes 2 University Audio-visual resource and study center) and the CREAD research lab (Centre for research on Education, learning and didactics), the students produced video recordings that they can use to improve their practice.
These videos show members of the osteopathic teaching staff orally describing their therapeutic practice for the benefit of the students, and they have been used to analyse:

  • The health practitioners’ posture during the session
  • How theoretical knowledge is brought to bear on therapeutic gestures and strategies

These projects then served as the basis for their final year dissertation, which they defended in front of two University Professors in Educational Sciences.  The dissertation on therapeutic strategies was presented at the "British School of Osteopathy International Education Conference" on December 9, 2017, in London.  
The Educational Science-based approach has led to further innovations in teaching and learning. In particular, it has helped to:

  • Meet the course quality requirements that IO Rennes has set for itself.
  • Take into account the osteopathy students' learning approaches.
  • Keep students engaged throughout their course.
  • Enhance the faculty's self-assessment capacities.


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